Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sunday, May 17th

So, the first thing I did in Ethiopia? Besides getting off the plane, walking through the airport, yadda yadda....

I fell off a bus.

Yes, I fell flat on my face while I was stepping off the bus to go to the hotel where I am staying the night.

The good news? I am at the hotel and safe.

The bad news? Just about the whole staff and all my fellow travelers saw me trip over myself, and I don't think I had a very graceful recovery...but oh well. Embarrassing moment #1 in a foreign country over with. But the plane went fine, no problemo. Tomorrow morning I will leave for Malawi and it will be a much shorter flight, about 3 hours versus the 15 of today.

Driving through the city tonight was interesting, maybe a little spooky. It was pretty late, about 10pm, so it was almost completely dark except for the lights in the shops or street stands that were still on. Looking into the shops was almost like looking into a still-life scene as we drove by, with a few people still out and about. I'll see it again tomorrow in the daylight driving to the airport, but it's different driving through than it would be to actually walk around. I'm looking forward to spending more time in Malawi and getting to know some of the people there and more of the area. :)

Sleep tonight and Malawi tomorrow! Later friends!


  1. YOU WOULD!!! hahahahahahaha well your just helping them to get to know you right away. Stairs. Its always the stairs.

    p.s. im on my way to watch the state lacrosse championships at umbc
    hereford vs. centenial

  2. i love it maddie! this kinda just made my life right now....i'm so excited you have a blog! now it's something i can do while i am at work! =P but i'm really just glad your group got to see the real maddie the first day. =D
    lots of love
